WeeChat specifications

TLS options and connections


WeeChat makes clear text connections by default (IRC, relay). TLS options are named “ssl”.


Purpose of this specification is to rename ssl to tls everywhere: options, commands, documentation.
Connection to IRC servers must be with TLS and port 6697 by default.

Out of scope





The following options are renamed in core:

Option New name
weechat.color.status_name_ssl weechat.color.status_name_tls

The help on option weechat.network.gnutls_ca_system is updated to replace SSL by TLS.


The following options are renamed in IRC plugin:

Option New name
irc.server_default.ssl irc.server_default.tls
irc.server_default.ssl_cert irc.server_default.tls_cert
irc.server_default.ssl_dhkey_size irc.server_default.tls_dhkey_size
irc.server_default.ssl_fingerprint irc.server_default.tls_fingerprint
irc.server_default.ssl_password irc.server_default.tls_password
irc.server_default.ssl_priorities irc.server_default.tls_priorities
irc.server_default.ssl_verify irc.server_default.tls_verify
irc.server.xxx.ssl irc.server.xxx.tls
irc.server.xxx.ssl_cert irc.server.xxx.tls_cert
irc.server.xxx.ssl_dhkey_size irc.server.xxx.tls_dhkey_size
irc.server.xxx.ssl_fingerprint irc.server.xxx.tls_fingerprint
irc.server.xxx.ssl_password irc.server.xxx.tls_password
irc.server.xxx.ssl_priorities irc.server.xxx.tls_priorities
irc.server.xxx.ssl_verify irc.server.xxx.tls_verify

The IRC configuration file irc.conf is bumped to version 2 and the options above are automatically renamed to the new name during upgrade of config, the user values are preserved.


The following options are renamed in relay plugin:

Option New name
relay.network.ssl_cert_key relay.network.tls_cert_key
relay.network.ssl_priorities relay.network.tls_priorities

The protocol ssl is renamed to tls.

The relay configuration file relay.conf is bumped to version 2 and the options above are automatically renamed to the new name during upgrade of config, the user values are preserved.


The help on following commands is updated to replace SSL by TLS:

The option sslcertkey in command /relay is renamed to tlscertkey.

IRC server

The default value of option irc.server_default.tls becomes on.

The new servers created with commands /server and /connect are now using port 6697 and TLS enabled by default (if option irc.server_default.tls is set to on), following the RFC 7194.

Examples, supposing option irc.server_default.tls is set to on:

Command Port used TLS enabled?
/server add libera irc.libera.chat 6697 Yes
/server add libera irc.libera.chat/7000 7000 Yes
/server add libera irc.libera.chat/6667 -notls 6667 No

If option irc.server_default.tls is set to off (which is the case after upgrade if the option has not been changed from default value), the behavior is the same as WeeChat ≤ 3.8:

Command Port used TLS enabled?
/server add libera irc.libera.chat 6667 No
/server add libera irc.libera.chat/6666 6666 No
/server add libera irc.libera.chat/7000 -tls 7000 Yes

For convenience, extra information is displayed when a new server is added:

For example:

/server add test irc1.example.org,irc2.example.org/7000

irc: server added: test -> irc1.example.org/6697, irc2.example.org/7000 (SSL: enabled)

In addition, internal variables of the IRC server are renamed:

Variable New name
ssl_connected tls_connected

The following script is affected and must be updated:


The changes must be implemented in this order:

  1. Rename core options and update help on options
  2. Update help of core commands
  3. Rename IRC options (bump version of irc.conf)
  4. Rename relay options (bump version of relay.conf) and protocol
  5. Make TLS and port 6697 default in IRC plugin
  6. Update script keepnick.py.
