WeeChat specifications

Key bindings improvements


WeeChat uses raw key codes to bind keys with /key bind, the user has to use key alt+k to find such code and any typo in the key may lead to unusable WeeChat.

There should be a visual way to edit key bindings.


Purpose of this specification is to make easier the binding of keys:

Out of scope

Keys specific to buffers (like on /script buffer) are not covered by this specification.

They may be improved in future by allowing easily the user to add, change or delete keys on specific buffers, and save these keys in configuration file.


New key format

New rules:

Note: the keys are still case sensitive, so meta-a is different from meta-A (which is alt + shift + a).

Modifiers are used in this order:

  1. meta-: usually alt key; zero, one or multiple are allowed
  2. ctrl-: zero or one allowed
  3. shift-: zero or one allowed, and it works only with the new aliases (see below).

The mouse modifiers are used in this order:

  1. alt-: alt key; zero or one allowed
  2. ctrl-: zero or one allowed

The legacy mouse keys were using ctrl- before alt-, so there’s a change here.
For compatibility reasons, WeeChat will fix the key on-the-fly when it is created, for example:

/key bindctxt mouse @chat:ctrl-alt-wheelup /test

New key binding (context "mouse"): @chat:alt-ctrl-wheelup => /test

Legacy modifier meta2- is removed (it is converted to meta-[ in raw key codes).

Keys that are not simple chars are converted to aliases, the complete list is:

Key alias Description
f0 Function key F0
f1 Function key F1
f2 Function key F2
f3 Function key F3
f4 Function key F4
f5 Function key F5
f6 Function key F6
f7 Function key F7
f8 Function key F8
f9 Function key F9
f10 Function key F10
f11 Function key F11
f12 Function key F12
f13 Function key F13
f14 Function key F14
f15 Function key F15
f16 Function key F16
f17 Function key F17
f18 Function key F18
f19 Function key F19
f20 Function key F20
home Home key
insert Insert key
delete Delete key
end End key
backspace Backspace key
pgup Page Up
pgdn Page Down
up Up arrow
down Down arrow
right Right arrow
left Left arrow
tab Tab
return Return
comma A comma (,)
space A space (“ ”)

Keyboard debug mode

A keyboard debug mode is added with command /debug key which displays on each key pressed:

During this debug mode, no signal nor command is actually executed.

The key q is used to quit this mode.

Example of debug messages for some keys:

# key: ctrl + r
debug: "^r" -> ctrl-r -> ctrl-r -> "/input search_text_here"

# key: arrow up
debug: "^[[A" -> meta-[A -> up -> "/input history_previous"

# key: alt + arrow up
debug: "^[[1;3A" -> meta-[1;3A -> meta-up -> "/buffer -1"

# key: alt + w then alt + arrow left
debug: "^[w^[[1;3D" -> meta-w,meta-[1;3D -> meta-w,meta-left -> "/window left"

# key: alt + e
debug: "^[e" -> meta-e -> meta-e  [no key binding]

# key: a
debug: "a" -> a -> a  [no key binding]

# click with mouse "button1" (30, 15)
debug: "^[[M"  [mouse]
debug: " ?0"  [mouse]
debug: "#?0"  [mouse]

Human readable keys

A new function is added to convert a raw key code to a human readable key.

Here are some examples of raw keys and their human readable version that must be used to bind keys:

Raw key Key name Comment
,” (comma) comma  
” (space) space  
ctrl-j return  
ctrl-m return  
ctrl-i tab  
meta-[Z shift-tab  
ctrl-h backspace  
ctrl-? backspace  
meta-[H home  
meta-[1~ home  
meta-[7~ home urxvt
meta-meta-[1~ meta-home  
meta-meta-[7~ meta-home urxvt
meta-[1;3H meta-home  
meta-[F end  
meta-[4~ end  
meta-[8~ end urxvt
meta-meta-[4~ meta-end  
meta-meta-[8~ meta-end urxvt
meta-[1;3F meta-end  
meta-[2~ insert  
meta-[3~ delete  
meta-[A up  
meta-[B down  
meta-[C right  
meta-[D left  
meta-Oa ctrl-up urxvt
meta-[1;5A ctrl-up  
meta-Ob ctrl-down urxvt
meta-[1;5B ctrl-down  
meta-Od ctrl-left urxvt
meta-[1;5D ctrl-left  
meta-Oc ctrl-right urxvt
meta-[1;5C ctrl-right  
meta-[1;3A meta-up  
meta-meta-[A meta-up urxvt
meta-[1;3B meta-down  
meta-meta-[B meta-down urxvt
meta-[1;3C meta-right  
meta-meta-[C meta-right urxvt
meta-[1;3D meta-left  
meta-meta-[D meta-left urxvt
meta-[5~ pgup  
meta-[6~ pgdn  
meta-meta-[5~ meta-pgup  
meta-[5;3~ meta-pgup  
meta-meta-[6~ meta-pgdn  
meta-[6;3~ meta-pgdn  
meta-OP f1  
meta-[11~ f1 urxvt
meta-[[A f1 Linux console
meta-OQ f2  
meta-[12~ f2 urxvt
meta-[[B f2 Linux console
meta-OR f3  
meta-[13~ f3 urxvt
meta-[[C f3 Linux console
meta-OS f4  
meta-[14~ f4 urxvt
meta-[[D f4 Linux console
meta-[15~ f5  
meta-[[E f5 Linux console
meta-[17~ f6  
meta-[18~ f7  
meta-[19~ f8  
meta-[20~ f9  
meta-[21~ f10  
meta-[23~ f11  
meta-[24~ f12  
meta-[11^ ctrl-f1  
meta-[1;5P ctrl-f1  
meta-[12^ ctrl-f2  
meta-[1;5Q ctrl-f2  
meta-[23^ ctrl-f11  
meta-[23;5~ ctrl-f11  
meta-[24^ ctrl-f12  
meta-[24;5~ ctrl-f12  
meta-meta-OP meta-f1  
meta-meta-[11~ meta-f1  
meta-[1;3P meta-f1  
meta-meta-OQ meta-f2  
meta-meta-[12~ meta-f2  
meta-[1;3Q meta-f2  
meta-[23;3~ meta-f11  
meta-meta-[23~ meta-f11  
meta-[24;3~ meta-f12  
meta-meta-[24~ meta-f12  

Manually convert a legacy key

The option legacy is added in command /key to convert a legacy key to the new format using the alias.

For example:

/key legacy meta-meta-[A

"meta-meta-[A" => "meta-up"

New default keys

The following tables show the new default keys for each context; this default key is created by default in configuration and is returned by alt+k.

A new key meta-K (alt + upper K) is added and bound to /input grab_raw_key_command: it displays a raw code and its associated command.
The raw code is still supported by WeeChat and can be used as well even if it’s not recommended (it should be used only as a workaround in case of problem with the new name).

Default keys in context “default”, WeeChat core:

Old default key(s) New default key Command
return /input return
meta-ctrl-M meta-return /input insert \n
ctrl-I tab /input complete_next
meta2-Z shift-tab /input complete_previous
ctrl-R ctrl-r /input search_text_here
backspace /input delete_previous_char
ctrl-_ ctrl-_ /input undo
meta-_ meta-_ /input redo
meta2-3~ delete /input delete_next_char
ctrl-D ctrl-d /input delete_next_char
ctrl-W ctrl-w /input delete_previous_word_whitespace
meta-ctrl-? meta-backspace /input delete_previous_word
ctrl-X ctrl-x /buffer switch
meta-x meta-x /buffer zoom
meta-d meta-d /input delete_next_word
ctrl-K ctrl-k /input delete_end_of_line
meta-r meta-r /input delete_line
ctrl-T ctrl-t /input transpose_chars
ctrl-U ctrl-u /input delete_beginning_of_line
ctrl-Y ctrl-y /input clipboard_paste
home /input move_beginning_of_line
ctrl-A ctrl-a /input move_beginning_of_line
end /input move_end_of_line
ctrl-E ctrl-e /input move_end_of_line
meta2-D left /input move_previous_char
ctrl-B ctrl-b /input move_previous_char
meta2-C right /input move_next_char
ctrl-F ctrl-f /input move_next_char
meta-b meta-b /input move_previous_word
ctrl-left /input move_previous_word
meta-f meta-f /input move_next_word
ctrl-right /input move_next_word
meta2-A up /input history_previous
meta2-B down /input history_next
ctrl-up /input history_global_previous
ctrl-down /input history_global_next
meta-a meta-a /buffer jump smart
meta-jmeta-f meta-j,meta-f /buffer -
meta-jmeta-l meta-j,meta-l /buffer +
meta-jmeta-r meta-j,meta-r /server raw
meta-jmeta-s meta-j,meta-s /server jump
meta-hmeta-c meta-h,meta-c /hotlist clear
meta-hmeta-m meta-h,meta-m /hotlist remove
meta-hmeta-r meta-h,meta-r /hotlist restore
meta-hmeta-R meta-h,meta-R /hotlist restore -all
meta-k meta-k /input grab_key_command
meta-s meta-s /mute spell toggle
meta-u meta-u /window scroll_unread
ctrl-Sctrl-U ctrl-s,ctrl-u /allbuf /buffer set unread
ctrl-Cb ctrl-c,b /input insert \x02
ctrl-Cc ctrl-c,c /input insert \x03
ctrl-Ci ctrl-c,i /input insert \x1D
ctrl-Co ctrl-c,o /input insert \x0F
ctrl-Cv ctrl-c,v /input insert \x16
ctrl-C_ ctrl-c,_ /input insert \x1F
meta-right /buffer +1
meta-down /buffer +1
meta2-17~ f6 /buffer +1
ctrl-N ctrl-n /buffer +1
meta-left /buffer -1
meta-up /buffer -1
f5 /buffer -1
ctrl-P ctrl-p /buffer -1
pgup /window page_up
pgdn /window page_down
meta-pgup /window scroll_up
meta-pgdn /window scroll_down
meta-home /window scroll_top
meta-end /window scroll_bottom
meta-n meta-n /window scroll_next_highlight
meta-p meta-p /window scroll_previous_highlight
meta-N meta-N /bar toggle nicklist
meta2-20~ f9 /bar scroll title * -30%
meta2-21~ f10 /bar scroll title * +30%
meta2-23~ f11 /bar scroll nicklist * -100%
meta2-24~ f12 /bar scroll nicklist * +100%
ctrl-f11 /bar scroll nicklist * -100%
ctrl-f12 /bar scroll nicklist * +100%
meta-f11 /bar scroll nicklist * b
meta-f12 /bar scroll nicklist * e
ctrl-L ctrl-l /window refresh
meta2-18~ f7 /window -1
meta2-19~ f8 /window +1
meta-w,meta-up /window up
meta-w,meta-down /window down
meta-w,meta-right /window right
meta-w,meta-left /window left
meta-wmeta-b meta-w,meta-b /window balance
meta-wmeta-s meta-w,meta-s /window swap
meta-z meta-z /window zoom
meta-= meta-= /filter toggle
meta-- meta-- /filter toggle @
meta-0 meta-0 /buffer *10
meta-1 meta-1 /buffer *1
meta-2 meta-2 /buffer *2
meta-3 meta-3 /buffer *3
meta-4 meta-4 /buffer *4
meta-5 meta-5 /buffer *5
meta-6 meta-6 /buffer *6
meta-7 meta-7 /buffer *7
meta-8 meta-8 /buffer *8
meta-9 meta-9 /buffer *9
meta-< meta-< /buffer jump prev_visited
meta-> meta-> /buffer jump next_visited
meta-/ meta-/ /buffer jump last_displayed
meta-l meta-l /window bare
meta-m meta-m /mute mouse toggle
meta2-200~ Key removed N/A
meta2-201~ Key removed N/A
meta-j01 meta-j,0,1 /buffer *1
meta-j02 meta-j,0,2 /buffer *2
(…) (…) (…)
meta-j98 meta-j,9,8 /buffer *98
meta-j99 meta-j,9,9 /buffer *99

Default keys in context “default”, plugin buflist:

Old default key(s) New default key Command
meta-B meta-B /buflist toggle
f1 /bar scroll buflist * -100%
f2 /bar scroll buflist * +100%
ctrl-f1 /bar scroll buflist * -100%
ctrl-f2 /bar scroll buflist * +100%
meta-f1 /bar scroll buflist * b
meta-f2 /bar scroll buflist * e

Default keys in context “search”:

Old default key(s) New default key Command
ctrl-M ctrl-m /input search_stop_here
ctrl-J ctrl-j /input search_stop_here
ctrl-Q ctrl-q /input search_stop
meta-c meta-c /input search_switch_case
ctrl-R ctrl-r /input search_switch_regex
ctrl-I ctrl-i /input search_switch_where
meta2-A up /input search_previous
meta2-B down /input search_next

Default keys in context “cursor”:

Old default key(s) New default key Command
ctrl-M ctrl-m /cursor stop
ctrl-J ctrl-j /cursor stop
meta2-A up /cursor move up
meta2-B down /cursor move down
meta2-D left /cursor move left
meta2-C right /cursor move right
meta-up /cursor move area_up
meta-down /cursor move area_down
meta-left /cursor move area_left
meta-right /cursor move area_right
@chat:m @chat:m hsignal:chat_quote_message;/cursor stop
@chat:q @chat:q hsignal:chat_quote_prefix_message;/cursor stop
@chat:Q @chat:Q hsignal:chat_quote_time_prefix_message;/cursor stop
@item(buffer_nicklist):b @item(buffer_nicklist):b /window ${_window_number};/ban ${nick}
@item(buffer_nicklist):k @item(buffer_nicklist):k /window ${_window_number};/kick ${nick}
@item(buffer_nicklist):K @item(buffer_nicklist):K /window ${_window_number};/kickban ${nick}
@item(buffer_nicklist):q @item(buffer_nicklist):q /window ${_window_number};/query ${nick};/cursor stop
@item(buffer_nicklist):w @item(buffer_nicklist):w /window ${_window_number};/whois ${nick}

There are no changes on default keys in context “mouse”.

Backspace key

The backspace key is a bit special (for historical reasons related to terminals), and both raw keys ctrl-? and ctrl-h points to the new name backspace.

If you want to bind ctrl + backspace, you have to bind either ctrl-h or ctrl-? depending on the code returned by your terminal.

Example of command showkey -a:

$ showkey -a

Press any keys - Ctrl-D will terminate this program

^? 	127 0177 0x7f        <-- pressed: backspace
^H 	  8 0010 0x08        <-- pressed: ctrl + backspace

Some terminals may have reverse keys (ie: ctrl-? for ctrl + backspace).

If ctrl-h is ctrl + backspace (as shown with showkey above), you could do this to delete previous word (same as meta-backspace):

/key bind ctrl-h /input delete_previous_word

As raw codes have higher priority than names, this key will match before the default backspace key when you press ctrl + backspace.

Keys as options

Keys are stored as standard options, that means they can be added, updated and deleted with /set and /fset commands.

The recommended way to create new keys is still /key as it controls the validity of key name.

When the command /key is called without arguments, the fset buffer with all keys is displayed (filter weechat.key*).

The new options are:

Options Description
weechat.key.* Keys for context “default”
weechat.key_search.* Keys for context “search” (ctrl+r)
weechat.key_cursor.* Keys for context “cursor” (/cursor)
weechat.key_mouse.* Keys for context “mouse” (mouse buttons / wheel)

Example of output with /key or /fset weechat.key*:

│1/285 | Filter: weechat.key* | Sort: ~name | Key(input): alt+space=toggle bool│
│weechat.key.backspace: key "backspace" in context "default" [default: "/input │
│delete_previous_char""]                                                       │
│                                                                              │
│  weechat.key.backspace      string  "/input delete_previous_char"            │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-_         string  "/input undo"                            │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-a         string  "/input move_beginning_of_line"          │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-b         string  "/input move_previous_char"              │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-c,_       string  "/input insert \x1F"                     │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-c,b       string  "/input insert \x02"                     │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-c,c       string  "/input insert \x03"                     │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-c,i       string  "/input insert \x1D"                     │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-c,o       string  "/input insert \x0F"                     │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-c,v       string  "/input insert \x16"                     │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-d         string  "/input delete_next_char"                │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-down      string  "/input history_global_next"             │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-e         string  "/input move_end_of_line"                │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-f         string  "/input move_next_char"                  │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-f1        string  "//bar scroll buflist * -100%"           │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-f11       string  "/bar scroll nicklist * -100%"           │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-f12       string  "/bar scroll nicklist * +100%"           │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-f2        string  "/bar scroll buflist * +100%"            │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-k         string  "/input delete_end_of_line"              │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-l         string  "/window refresh"                        │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-left      string  "/input move_previous_word"              │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-n         string  "/buffer +1"                             │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-p         string  "/buffer -1"                             │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-r         string  "/input search_text_here"                │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-right     string  "/input move_next_word"                  │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-s,ctrl-u  string  "/allbuf /buffer set unread"             │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-t         string  "/input transpose_chars"                 │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-u         string  "/input delete_beginning_of_line"        │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-up        string  "/input history_global_previous"         │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-w         string  "/input delete_previous_word_whitespace" │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-x         string  "/buffer switch"                         │
│  weechat.key.ctrl-y         string  "/input clipboard_paste"                 │
│  weechat.key.delete         string  "/input delete_next_char"                │
│  weechat.key.down           string  "/input history_next"                    │
│  weechat.key.end            string  "/input move_end_of_line"                │
│  weechat.key.f1             string  "/bar scroll buflist * -100%"            │
│  weechat.key.f10            string  "/bar scroll title * +30%"               │
│  weechat.key.f11            string  "/bar scroll nicklist * -100%"           │
│  weechat.key.f12            string  "/bar scroll nicklist * +100%"           │
│  weechat.key.f2             string  "/bar scroll buflist * +100%"            │
│  weechat.key.f5             string  "/buffer -1"                             │
│  weechat.key.f6             string  "/buffer +1"                             │
│  weechat.key.f7             string  "/window -1"                             │
│  weechat.key.f8             string  "/window +1"                             │
│  weechat.key.f9             string  "/bar scroll title * -30%"               │
│  weechat.key.home           string  "/input move_beginning_of_line"          │
│ [20:54] [2] [fset] 2:fset                                                    │

Backward compatibility

Convert legacy keys

A function is added to convert a legacy key code to the new one:

Example of conversion:

Legacy key New key Description
a a Letter a
meta-a meta-a Alt + a
meta-A meta-A Alt + shift + a (= Alt + A)
ctrl-Cb ctrl-c,b Ctrl + c then b
meta2-D left Left arrow
meta2-Z shift-tab Shift + Tab
ctrl-M return Return
ctrl-J return Return
meta-wmeta-meta2-A meta-w,meta-up Alt + w then Alt + up arrow

Configuration file version

A version is added in configuration files to track incompatible changes, like the new key format being introduced.

A new function config_file_set_version is added and must be called after config_file_new.
The prototype is the following:

int config_file_set_version (
    struct t_config_file *config_file,
    int version,
    struct t_hashtable *(*callback_update)(const void *pointer,
                                           void *data,
                                           struct t_config_file *config_file,
                                           int version_read,
                                           struct t_hashtable *data_read),
    const void *callback_update_pointer,
    void *callback_update_data);

It returns 1 if OK, 0 if error.

The function sets the configuration version and the callback inside config_file. Callback is optional and can be NULL.

Then when the file is read from disk, WeeChat looks for a new option called config_version which is an integer and must be located before the first config section.

This is used to set the version_read in the config_file structure. If missing, default version is 1.

When a section or an option is read, the callback is called if the version_read is less than the config version.

The parameters given to the callback are:

Parameter Type Description
pointer Pointer Pointer given to function config_file_set_version
data Pointer Data given to function config_file_set_version (freed when the config is freed)
config_file Pointer Pointer to configuration file being read
version_read Integer Version read in file (defaults to 1 if not found)
data_read Hashtable Data read from file (see below).

The hashtable data_read can have the following keys (keys and values are strings):

Key Availability Value
config Always set Name of configuration file, without extension (eg: weechat)
section Always set Name of section being read
option For option only Name of the option
value For option only Value of the option (if not NULL)
value_null For option only Option has NULL value (value is always 1)

Upgrade of weechat.conf

When upgrading WeeChat from an old release (with old keys), WeeChat converts all keys to the new format.

Multiple legacy names may point to the same new name, for example ctrl-M and ctrl-J both point to new key return. In this case, only one key return is created with the latest key read.

That means before upgrade there are such keys in weechat.conf (partial extract):

ctrl-J = "/input return"
ctrl-M = "/input return"
meta-ctrl-M = "/input insert \n"
meta-wmeta-meta2-A = "/window up"

And after upgrade, the keys are now:

return = "/input return"
meta-return = "/input insert \n"
meta-w,meta-up = "/window up"

In addition, legacy commands (still there for compatibility) are automatically converted to the new command:

Old command New command
/input jump_smart /buffer jump smart
/input jump_last_buffer /buffer +
/window ${_window_number};/input jump_last_buffer /window ${_window_number};/buffer +
/input jump_last_buffer_displayed /buffer jump last_displayed
/input jump_previously_visited_buffer /buffer jump prev_visited
/input jump_next_visited_buffer /buffer jump next_visited
/input hotlist_clear /hotlist clear
/input hotlist_remove_buffer /hotlist remove
/input hotlist_restore_buffer /hotlist restore
/input hotlist_restore_all /hotlist restore -all
/input set_unread_current_buffer /buffer set unread
/input set_unread /allbuf /buffer set unread
/input switch_active_buffer /buffer switch
/input switch_active_buffer_previous /buffer switch -previous
/input zoom_merged_buffer /buffer zoom

Keys converted or removed are display on first upgrade of config, for example when upgrading from version 3.7 to 4.0.0:

Legacy key converted: "ctrl-?" => "backspace"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-A" => "ctrl-a"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-B" => "ctrl-b"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-C_" => "ctrl-c,_"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-Cb" => "ctrl-c,b"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-Cc" => "ctrl-c,c"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-Ci" => "ctrl-c,i"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-Co" => "ctrl-c,o"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-Cv" => "ctrl-c,v"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-D" => "ctrl-d"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-E" => "ctrl-e"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-F" => "ctrl-f"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-H" => "backspace"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-I" => "tab"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-J" => "return"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-K" => "ctrl-k"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-L" => "ctrl-l"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-M" => "return"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-N" => "ctrl-n"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-P" => "ctrl-p"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-R" => "ctrl-r"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-Sctrl-U" => "ctrl-s,ctrl-u"
Command converted for key "ctrl-s,ctrl-u": "/input set_unread" => "/allbuf /buffer set unread"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-T" => "ctrl-t"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-U" => "ctrl-u"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-W" => "ctrl-w"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-X" => "ctrl-x"
Command converted for key "ctrl-x": "/input switch_active_buffer" => "/buffer switch"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-Y" => "ctrl-y"
Legacy key converted: "meta-ctrl-?" => "meta-backspace"
Legacy key converted: "meta-ctrl-M" => "meta-return"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta-OP" => "meta-f1"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta-OQ" => "meta-f2"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta2-11~" => "meta-f1"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta2-12~" => "meta-f2"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta2-1~" => "meta-home"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta2-23~" => "meta-f11"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta2-24~" => "meta-f12"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta2-4~" => "meta-end"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta2-5~" => "meta-pgup"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta2-6~" => "meta-pgdn"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta2-7~" => "meta-home"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta2-8~" => "meta-end"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta2-A" => "meta-up"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta2-B" => "meta-down"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta2-C" => "meta-right"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta2-D" => "meta-left"
Command converted for key "meta-/": "/input jump_last_buffer_displayed" => "/buffer jump last_displayed"
Command converted for key "meta-<": "/input jump_previously_visited_buffer" => "/buffer jump prev_visited"
Command converted for key "meta->": "/input jump_next_visited_buffer" => "/buffer jump next_visited"
Legacy key converted: "meta-OA" => "up"
Legacy key converted: "meta-OB" => "down"
Legacy key converted: "meta-OC" => "right"
Legacy key converted: "meta-OD" => "left"
Legacy key converted: "meta-OF" => "end"
Legacy key converted: "meta-OH" => "home"
Legacy key converted: "meta-OP" => "f1"
Legacy key converted: "meta-OQ" => "f2"
Legacy key converted: "meta-Oa" => "ctrl-up"
Legacy key converted: "meta-Ob" => "ctrl-down"
Legacy key converted: "meta-Oc" => "ctrl-right"
Legacy key converted: "meta-Od" => "ctrl-left"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-11^" => "ctrl-f1"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-11~" => "f1"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-12^" => "ctrl-f2"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-12~" => "f2"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-15~" => "f5"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-17~" => "f6"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-18~" => "f7"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-19~" => "f8"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1;3A" => "meta-up"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1;3B" => "meta-down"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1;3C" => "meta-right"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1;3D" => "meta-left"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1;3F" => "meta-end"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1;3H" => "meta-home"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1;3P" => "meta-f1"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1;3Q" => "meta-f2"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1;5A" => "ctrl-up"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1;5B" => "ctrl-down"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1;5C" => "ctrl-right"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1;5D" => "ctrl-left"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1;5P" => "ctrl-f1"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1;5Q" => "ctrl-f2"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1~" => "home"
Legacy key removed: "meta2-200~"
Legacy key removed: "meta2-201~"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-20~" => "f9"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-21~" => "f10"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-23;3~" => "meta-f11"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-23;5~" => "ctrl-f11"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-23^" => "ctrl-f11"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-23~" => "f11"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-24;3~" => "meta-f12"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-24;5~" => "ctrl-f12"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-24^" => "ctrl-f12"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-24~" => "f12"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-3~" => "delete"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-4~" => "end"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-5;3~" => "meta-pgup"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-5~" => "pgup"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-6;3~" => "meta-pgdn"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-6~" => "pgdn"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-7~" => "home"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-8~" => "end"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-A" => "up"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-B" => "down"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-C" => "right"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-D" => "left"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-F" => "end"
Legacy key removed: "meta2-G"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-H" => "home"
Legacy key removed: "meta2-I"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-Z" => "shift-tab"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-[E" => "f5"
Command converted for key "meta-a": "/input jump_smart" => "/buffer jump smart"
Legacy key converted: "meta-hmeta-R" => "meta-h,meta-R"
Command converted for key "meta-h,meta-R": "/input hotlist_restore_all" => "/hotlist restore -all"
Legacy key converted: "meta-hmeta-c" => "meta-h,meta-c"
Command converted for key "meta-h,meta-c": "/input hotlist_clear" => "/hotlist clear"
Legacy key converted: "meta-hmeta-m" => "meta-h,meta-m"
Command converted for key "meta-h,meta-m": "/input hotlist_remove_buffer" => "/hotlist remove"
Legacy key converted: "meta-hmeta-r" => "meta-h,meta-r"
Command converted for key "meta-h,meta-r": "/input hotlist_restore_buffer" => "/hotlist restore"
Legacy key converted: "meta-jmeta-f" => "meta-j,meta-f"
Legacy key converted: "meta-jmeta-l" => "meta-j,meta-l"
Legacy key converted: "meta-jmeta-r" => "meta-j,meta-r"
Legacy key converted: "meta-jmeta-s" => "meta-j,meta-s"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j01" => "meta-j,0,1"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j02" => "meta-j,0,2"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j03" => "meta-j,0,3"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j04" => "meta-j,0,4"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j05" => "meta-j,0,5"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j06" => "meta-j,0,6"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j07" => "meta-j,0,7"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j08" => "meta-j,0,8"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j09" => "meta-j,0,9"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j10" => "meta-j,1,0"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j11" => "meta-j,1,1"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j12" => "meta-j,1,2"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j13" => "meta-j,1,3"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j14" => "meta-j,1,4"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j15" => "meta-j,1,5"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j16" => "meta-j,1,6"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j17" => "meta-j,1,7"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j18" => "meta-j,1,8"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j19" => "meta-j,1,9"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j20" => "meta-j,2,0"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j21" => "meta-j,2,1"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j22" => "meta-j,2,2"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j23" => "meta-j,2,3"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j24" => "meta-j,2,4"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j25" => "meta-j,2,5"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j26" => "meta-j,2,6"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j27" => "meta-j,2,7"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j28" => "meta-j,2,8"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j29" => "meta-j,2,9"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j30" => "meta-j,3,0"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j31" => "meta-j,3,1"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j32" => "meta-j,3,2"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j33" => "meta-j,3,3"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j34" => "meta-j,3,4"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j35" => "meta-j,3,5"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j36" => "meta-j,3,6"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j37" => "meta-j,3,7"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j38" => "meta-j,3,8"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j39" => "meta-j,3,9"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j40" => "meta-j,4,0"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j41" => "meta-j,4,1"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j42" => "meta-j,4,2"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j43" => "meta-j,4,3"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j44" => "meta-j,4,4"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j45" => "meta-j,4,5"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j46" => "meta-j,4,6"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j47" => "meta-j,4,7"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j48" => "meta-j,4,8"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j49" => "meta-j,4,9"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j50" => "meta-j,5,0"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j51" => "meta-j,5,1"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j52" => "meta-j,5,2"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j53" => "meta-j,5,3"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j54" => "meta-j,5,4"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j55" => "meta-j,5,5"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j56" => "meta-j,5,6"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j57" => "meta-j,5,7"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j58" => "meta-j,5,8"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j59" => "meta-j,5,9"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j60" => "meta-j,6,0"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j61" => "meta-j,6,1"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j62" => "meta-j,6,2"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j63" => "meta-j,6,3"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j64" => "meta-j,6,4"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j65" => "meta-j,6,5"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j66" => "meta-j,6,6"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j67" => "meta-j,6,7"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j68" => "meta-j,6,8"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j69" => "meta-j,6,9"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j70" => "meta-j,7,0"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j71" => "meta-j,7,1"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j72" => "meta-j,7,2"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j73" => "meta-j,7,3"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j74" => "meta-j,7,4"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j75" => "meta-j,7,5"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j76" => "meta-j,7,6"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j77" => "meta-j,7,7"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j78" => "meta-j,7,8"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j79" => "meta-j,7,9"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j80" => "meta-j,8,0"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j81" => "meta-j,8,1"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j82" => "meta-j,8,2"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j83" => "meta-j,8,3"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j84" => "meta-j,8,4"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j85" => "meta-j,8,5"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j86" => "meta-j,8,6"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j87" => "meta-j,8,7"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j88" => "meta-j,8,8"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j89" => "meta-j,8,9"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j90" => "meta-j,9,0"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j91" => "meta-j,9,1"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j92" => "meta-j,9,2"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j93" => "meta-j,9,3"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j94" => "meta-j,9,4"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j95" => "meta-j,9,5"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j96" => "meta-j,9,6"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j97" => "meta-j,9,7"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j98" => "meta-j,9,8"
Legacy key converted: "meta-j99" => "meta-j,9,9"
Legacy key converted: "meta-wmeta-meta2-A" => "meta-w,meta-up"
Legacy key converted: "meta-wmeta-meta2-B" => "meta-w,meta-down"
Legacy key converted: "meta-wmeta-meta2-C" => "meta-w,meta-right"
Legacy key converted: "meta-wmeta-meta2-D" => "meta-w,meta-left"
Legacy key converted: "meta-wmeta2-1;3A" => "meta-w,meta-up"
Legacy key converted: "meta-wmeta2-1;3B" => "meta-w,meta-down"
Legacy key converted: "meta-wmeta2-1;3C" => "meta-w,meta-right"
Legacy key converted: "meta-wmeta2-1;3D" => "meta-w,meta-left"
Legacy key converted: "meta-wmeta-b" => "meta-w,meta-b"
Legacy key converted: "meta-wmeta-s" => "meta-w,meta-s"
Command converted for key "meta-x": "/input zoom_merged_buffer" => "/buffer zoom"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-I" => "tab"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-J" => "return"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-M" => "return"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-Q" => "ctrl-q"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-R" => "ctrl-r"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-A" => "up"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-B" => "down"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-J" => "return"
Legacy key converted: "ctrl-M" => "return"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta2-A" => "meta-up"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta2-B" => "meta-down"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta2-C" => "meta-right"
Legacy key converted: "meta-meta2-D" => "meta-left"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1;3A" => "meta-up"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1;3B" => "meta-down"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1;3C" => "meta-right"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-1;3D" => "meta-left"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-A" => "up"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-B" => "down"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-C" => "right"
Legacy key converted: "meta2-D" => "left"
Command converted for key "@chat:button1-gesture-right-long": "/window ${_window_number};/input jump_last_buffer" => "/window ${_window_number};/buffer +"

Scripts using legacy keys

Some official scripts are using legacy keys but they are not broken because keys are automatically fixed when they are added:

List of scripts using legacy keys:

Script Reason
coords.pl Legacy keys like “ ” (space), ctrl-A and meta2-A
floodit.py Legacy keys like meta2-C
grep_filter.py Legacy key: ctrl-G
listbuffer.py Legacy keys like ctrl-L, meta2-A and meta-ctrl-J
mastermind.pl Legacy keys like meta2-A and meta-ctrl-M
menu.pl Legacy keys like “ ” (space), ctrl-H and meta2-A
minesweeper.py Legacy keys like meta- (meta-space) and meta2-A
multiline.pl Legacy keys like “ ” (space), ctrl-H and meta2-A
pastebuf.lua Legacy keys like meta2-A
rssagg.pl Legacy keys like meta2-A
snake.pl Legacy keys like meta2-A
spell_menu.pl Legacy keys like “ ” (space) and meta2-A
urlgrab.py Legacy keys like ctrl-R, meta2-A and meta-ctrl-J
urlselect.lua Legacy keys like ctrl-B and meta2-A

Some other scripts, not part of official scripts, could be broken if they use key combos without the comma, for example: meta-c1 (meta-c then 1) instead of meta-c,1.

The fix would be something like this in Python:

version = weechat.info_get("version_number", "") or 0
if int(version) >= 0x03090000:
    # new keys (WeeChat ≥ 4.0.0)
    weechat.buffer_set(buffer, "key_bind_meta-c,1", "/test1")
    weechat.buffer_set(buffer, "key_bind_meta-c,2", "/test2")
    weechat.buffer_set(buffer, "key_bind_meta-c,3", "/test3")
    # legacy keys (WeeChat < 4.0.0)
    weechat.buffer_set(buffer, "key_bind_meta-c1", "/test1")
    weechat.buffer_set(buffer, "key_bind_meta-c2", "/test2")
    weechat.buffer_set(buffer, "key_bind_meta-c3", "/test3")


The changes must be implemented in this order:

  1. Convert control keys to lower case
  2. Add keyboard debug mode
  3. Add function to get expanded raw key code to key name with and without alias
  4. Add function to convert a legacy key name to a key name with alias
  5. Display new key name in output of /key
  6. Add configuration file version
  7. Convert all legacy keys to new format when reading configuration, use new format everywhere
  8. Make keys standard options, so they can be managed with /set and /fset commands
  9. Make command /key without arguments open the fset buffer with all keys
  10. Fix scripts using legacy keys (optional, no urgency)
